Last night i was home alone. Hubby is having his event shooting @ Bukit Bintang. So after completed the house chores while waiting for hubby to return, i kept myself busy with my blog.. hehe.. so i guess u have seen the result right. So i was on ym but too bad.. all my divas were doing something else.. so i juz switched off the pc and decide to watch tv instead. So at about 8.30 i saw the info that the RTM1 will air "The Red Kebaya". I have heard so much about the movie. So there i was waiting to watch the movie @ 8.45.
The Red Kebaya is about the story of one professional photographer who has given an assignment by his company to shoot an old house/building photo. So at the beginning of the movie this photographer sort of has a vision of two boys walking together and one of them is holding a blue kite. He saw it once when he opened his house gate. And on the way to Penang while he stopped by to eat, he saw again the boys. Quite spooky.. as i was alone la kan at that time. So i made a conclusion that this The Red Kebaya must be a horror movie.. hantu etc.
Okey.. lets continue. So once he arrived at the hotel when he download all the photos taken for that day to his surprised, he saw the image of the boys again in one of the picture. He then transfered the file to one of his colleague at the office. Jeng.. jeng ..jeng.. of course la the colleague cannot see the boys image.
So the next day.. while walking around the town he saw one antique shop with a red kebaya on display...
The rest of the stories... haha..better go n find yourself the CD or DVDs or YOU TUBE for the complete story. By the way.. Vee a.k.a Vanidah Imran look so pretty in the movie.. I guess she is looking more beautiful la nowadays..Seriously.. have u see the IN TREND magazine cover? Superb!! don't you think so?
wow..sounds intresting.Will find one fine day to watch em' at you it a horor movie?
Haha.. saspen sikit la.. all those things that he saw actually were a clue for something bigger. Jeng.. Jeng.. Jeng..
rugi aku tak tgok!! dah la terlepas time movie kat cinema ni dah bagi free pon aku leh terlepas lagik!! ni sume gara2 'makan busat' dgn ma family.. huhu.. i LOVE VEE so much!!! perempuan melayu terakhir!!
** ingat raya ni nk pkai red kebaya laaa.... haha
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